Support vulnerable children's education
Block by block and we have a complete school serving a total of 1,000 children. With your donation of $7,500 dollars only, we will have another modern block added to our Nanyidik Centre in Karamoja region.
The future of one vulnerable child depends on your donation of $150 dollars a year. With only $150 dollars annually, one child completes a year in school. Start by committing only 5 years of education of one child.
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
Save lives, support a water project In Karamoja region. Your once-off donation of $8,330 dollars constructs a modern and reliable water source that serves 40 households.
Food security
Join us to live in a world where we share food sustainably. We need an annual donation of $80,000 dollars to train and support one village in Karamoja region to engage in alternative modern farming methods to ensure food security.
Menstrual health
School girls who menstruate miss school for an average of 12 days a term, translating into 36 days a year due to unavailability of sanitary wear. Your gift of $50,000 dollars a year will facilitate production of reusable pads for 500 teenage girls.
Youth support through Skilling, livelihoods and economic empowerment
With only $940 dollars, one youth will acquire a skill and get start-up kits for a life changing enterprise.