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Household mapping in Timingorok in Moroto & Alibamun in Nakapiripirit district

Posted on: 20th October, 2022 By: NRDO Uganda 5 min read

The work No Child’s Business project scaled up to additional four new villages in Moroto and Nakapririrt Districts. Nascent RDO leads direct implementation using the area-based approach in only two villages of Timingorok and Alibamun in Moroto and Nakapirirt Districts respectively. The household mapping (HH) exercise was conducted in the two named villages with the purpose to obtain data for project benchmarking, generate baseline data on the social, economic status of households and youth and to ascertain the education status of children. We utilized both qualitative and quantitative methods and relied heavily on primary data using Kobo data application. The mapping exercise enabled us to reach out to 365 HHs comprised of 1,097 HH members, of whom 579 are females while 518 were males. Of these, 482 were children with 240 girls and 241 boys. The household mapping exercise targeted to reach at least 400 households however, this exercise was conducted during the period of cattle rustling where some homes were found without any persons as several of them temporarily moved away for security reasons.

The exercise generated several findings that will be used by the project to benchmark against the project interventions and findings. The findings indicated very high illiteracy rates among adults and youth, which stands at 91.5%, this highly threatens the future education of children especially that the community has limited role models and structures to support education. Herding and mining sectors contribute to the biggest percentage of child labourers and accounts for 76.23% of children in work, directly contributing to 526 children involved in child labour and not going to school. Violence against children is also another aspect that that highly affects the right of children from protection against exploitation and abuse. 80% cases were reported (at household level) to be victims of child marriage, sexual abuse and exploitation

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Last updated on: 1st February, 2023

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