Work: No Child’s Business
Project Period: Sep 2019 - Dec 2024 (63.61 Months)
“Work”: No Child’s Business (WNCB) is a five-year project implemented in a consortium of partners led by the Stop Child Labor coalition Netherlands, UNICEF, and Save the Children. In Uganda, the Alliance is coordinated by Hivos in partnership with Save the Children Uganda, Nascent Research and Development Organization and Uganda National Teachers’ Union (UNATU). Whereas the project is implemented in 6 countries, our focus is on Uganda, Karamoja region (Moroto & Nakapiripirit) and Busia Districts and the target sectors are Gold/mining, informal and Agriculture.
The project is implemented in the two districts of Moroto and Nakapiripirit, in the villages of Hatut, Acherer, Nanyidik, and Nakabaat of Moruita and Rupa Sub County and seeking to expand its operations. Whereas the project focus is on child labour in gold mining, project interventions broadly tackle all forms of child labour. The WNCB project aims to contribute to concerted global efforts to end all forms of child labor by 2025 through applying a range of complementary strategies. The project envisions a world in which all children (girls and boys) enjoy their rights and decent living standards. The project directly contributes to SDG 8.7 which aims to ensure that children and youth are free from child labor and enjoy their rights to quality education and (future) decent work. The project aims to achieve three main outcomes including, (1) Children are empowered and have improved access to (quality) education, undergo motivation course, and youth employment within a supportive family and community environment; (2) Governments enforce relevant child-rights based laws and implement policies on child labor; and (3) Private sector takes full responsibility for preventing and addressing child labor.
The project uses the Area based approach which is an innovative methodology that guides our interventions to best support each child, their households and communities along the pathway towards ending child labour. The Project tries to ensure that children, their households, the community and other stakeholders are active participants in this programme with support and guidance provided by Programme. We endeavor to engage with local leaders to identify key community resource persons to support the project as community mobilizers, mentors and teachers. Young people also support the project as volunteers, peer advocates and peer influencers, they are given opportunities to engage in community sensitization through creative and entertaining ways as well as participate in media programs. The end result is a community which believes and upholds a norm that all children no matter their social economic situations should not work but rather return to school and are able to attain quality education.