Hosting the Community of Practice for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights at Sub national level
Project Period: Oct 2019 - Mar 2021 (17.81 Months)
Nascent Research and Development Organization Uganda (Nascent RDO-U) in part of the consortium led by the International Institute of Social Studies Erasmus University Rotterdam, in collaboration with Rutgers Netherlands, Makerere University School of Public Health, Nsamizi Training Institute of Social Development understand and Reproductive Health Uganda, implemented a project "Strengthening Education and Training in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Uganda" (SET-SRHR). The project had several components, and Nascent RDO-U was in charge of hosting the CoP at sub-national level in Iganga and Kampala.
The overall aim of the project was to contribute towards sustainable demographic and human capital development, including addressing the challenges of socio-economic inclusiveness. One of the project strategies was to manage a Community of Practice (CoP) ‘UtafitinaKutenda’ implemented at both the national and sub-national levels. The aim of the CoP was to use research and practice evidence to catalyze policy actions and inform SRHR programme uptake in Uganda.