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I have invested in agriculture and can now pay school fees for my children and even pay medical bills

Posted on: 6th March, 2023 By: Badoru Ismael Tag: Livelihood 4 min read
Badoru Ismael
Badoru Ismael is a gold minor from Utut, Nakapiripirit district

My name is Badoru Ismael. I am 35 years old. I’m married and have 2 children, a boy and a girl.

Before I joined “Umoja VSLA group”, I was doing gold mining and did not have any idea about saving. I used to get money and just spend it on alcohol and drinking with my friends. One time my sister was rushed to a hospital for an operation that required money. I did not have it because I had already spent it all. The operation could not be done without money. This became a turning point for me.

When Nascent RDO-U came to our village in Utut, they taught us about groups and saving. It was interesting. I joined “Umoja VSLA group” and was even elected as a chairperson. I have been saving money and borrowing from my group. I have invested in agriculture, I can now pay school fees for my children and even pay medical bills. I rarely even go for gold mining because it is too much risk for me.

This is my second cycle of saving. In my first cycle, I managed to buy a goat at 120,000 UGX which gave birth to kids. In this second cycle I plan to buy a cow.

This project has really changed my life.

Quick facts

WNCB (Work: No Child's Business) is a project being carried out in 6 countries, i.e. Cote d'ivoire, Mali, Uganda, Jordan, India, and Vietnam

Participating organizations in Uganda

Lead implementing partner:
SCL Coalition (Hivos) with partners UNATU (Uganda National Teachers Union), NRDO-U (Nascent Research and Development Organization Uganda), EWAD (Environmental Women in Action for Development), and Save the Children.

Supporting partner:

Last updated on: 17th May, 2023

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