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I appreciated the importance of education and with my resources I sent my wife back to school so that she can be empowered

Posted on: 18th May, 2023 By: Joseph Akodumoi Tag: Community strengthening 7 min read
Joseph Akodumoi
Champion of change: how a community mobilizer transformed a community by ending child labor and lifting families out of poverty

My name is Joseph Akodumoi. I am 23 years old. I am a secretary for youth on the local council leadership. I became part of the PIGA project through our local leaders of Lwakai village, Achorichor sub-county in Amudat District. The local leaders seconded me and I was chosen to be a community mobilizer because of my experience in the community.

As a community mobilizer, I was in charge of two villages (Iwakai and Locholi), which experience the highest levels of poverty and have been less targeted by interventions. Because of the poverty situation in these communities, children worked and engaged in child labour to supplement their household income. They worked long hours in gardens and some were herding cattle, so they could not attend school. My work was to make sure that this was eliminated.

The project trained me in community mobilization skills, VSLA methodology, farmer field school and other things. I had a lot of interest to work with his two communities to change the status quo. My role was important because the PIGA project was implemented during COVID-19, a season when movements were restricted. It was possible for me to engage with my community daily since I was a resident of the community. I conducted community mobilization initiatives on behalf of the project officers who could not move due to restrictions, I did trainings on the various approaches such as Sustainable Agricultural Practices, and closely supported the education, skilling and livelihood components and many others.

I supported the establishment of 13 saving groups in Iwakai and Locholi village. I am part of one of the VSLA groups called Sabibion saving group which has enabled me continue saving, borrowing and investing in my garden.

When the COVID-19 restrictions eased and schools re-opened, I mobilized more than 80 children to go back to school including my wife so that she can be empowered. She will soon finish her senior four.

During the PIGA project, I supervised and trained 40 youth in farmer field schools. I mobilized community leaders, Local government leaders, cultural leaders, religious leaders among others to ensure sustainable actions in the fight against child labour. I facilitated community dialogues and conducted house-to-house campaigns, encouraged youth to complete the skilling program, monitored households and groups engaged in livelihood diversification, monitored and supported the functioning of VSLA groups.

I continue to perform these functions even when PIGA project came to an end. I am motivated to continue supporting my community because the project made an impact on me. I wish for others in my community to experience the same.

Quick facts

In July 2021, Nascent Research and Development Organization Uganda entered into an agreement with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in support of the MDF-funded project, known as "Supporting Governments in addressing child labor for sustainable agricultural transformation in COVID-19 economic recovery". Nascent RDO made progressive efforts towards addressing the root causes of child labor through a Project, known as, "Piloting Income Generating Activities" (PIGA-IGAs Project).

The PIGA-IGAs project started in August 2021 and lasted for a period of 5 months. It engaged in the provision of services for awareness raising on child labour and economic empowerment of 400 vulnerable households affected by child labour in Amudat and Moroto districts in Karamoja sub-region of Uganda. Over the 5 months of implementation, The PIGA-IGAs project generated a number of good practices that require strengthening and replication.

Last updated on: 18th May, 2023

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