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I was withdrawn from child labour and I joined formal school at Musas Primary school

Posted on: 6th March, 2023 By: Nakong paska Tag: Education 3 min read
Nakong paska
A child from Nanyidik village, withdrawn from child labour. She joined Musas Primary school and was promoted to primary three

My Name is Nakong paska. I am 12 years old. I live in Nanyidik village, Rupa Sub County, Moroto district. I live only with my mother (Natee Mary) & my other 3 siblings. Before I was withdrawn from child labour, I was involved in stone quarrying at an early age because I had to feed our family.

When the WNCB program put a motivational learning centre next to where we were quarrying from, I got motivated to join other children in the centre. I did not believe that my life would change, but with the continuous counselling from the teachers and staff­ from Nascent RDO-U, I picked up the interest to continue learning. I can now read and write. I joined Musas Primary school and was promoted to P.3.

I love education and I want to study until I complete the University so that I can help my family and the entire village of Nanyidik. When I come back for holidays, I always spend much of my time with my other friends at the motivational centre, I also encourage them to continue coming to the centre.

Quick facts

WNCB (Work: No Child's Business) is a project being carried out in 6 countries, i.e. Cote d'ivoire, Mali, Uganda, Jordan, India, and Vietnam

Participating organizations in Uganda

Lead implementing partner:
SCL Coalition (Hivos) with partners UNATU (Uganda National Teachers Union), NRDO-U (Nascent Research and Development Organization Uganda), EWAD (Environmental Women in Action for Development), and Save the Children.

Supporting partner:

Last updated on: 16th May, 2023

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